However, from gambling over the years winners and losers come and go but it pays to look a little deeper. The surface structure of anything doesn't really tell you the whole story.
It's like seeing a beautiful Georgian house. From the outside the gardens are immaculate, the house distinguished in its elegance. You open the door to find the cat lady has died and forty moggies perished with her. A million blue bottles feasting on the decaying bodies like a black cloud of death.
Yes, I should write for Mills & Boon.
The surface structure of your betting success means little if your foundation is weak.
It may be weak in the sense there is no method, discipline, or logic. And while lady luck winks at you in fleeting fashion she doesn't stay around too long. She'd rather hang out with a guy with broad shoulders, feet like dinner plates who sways gently in force 10 gale rather than flies into the distance never to be seen again.
A successful gambler needs to have a foundation of knowledge.
I take my gambling seriously. There is always something to learn. I know it's a cliche but the day you stop learning you are dead. Or you may as well be deceased from a punter perspective. You'll simply be stuck in someone else's box rather than your own. Neither of those two options gives much room to maneuver.
Without disciplined, process, and method you will fall short.
''Build on the positives.''
That goes for everything and everyone in life. I don't mean to sound cruel but I have no intention of being dragged down by people with unending problems. I will do my best to help people who need help and support but, I don't know about you, isn't it strange how certain individuals have all the problems under the sun. It's like they have been collecting 80% and under their burden, they want to give a little bit back to make themselves feel lighter while bogging you down at the same time.
Even in a perfect world, they'd still be burdened. Sadly, it isn't a world problem, just a personal problem.
It is the principles of betting that makes a successful gambler in the same way a business owner replicates their model and scales up to make a million pounds.
If your betting lacks a solid foundation you are in trouble.
Author: Jason Coote
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