Saturday, 12 March 2022

Fxxx Cheltenham the Flat is on its way!

To any of my first time readers of the blog I will just explain quickly what it's all about. I've been a gambler most of my life, you know the one we all see in the local bookmakers who would bet on anything even the cartoon racing just to get my fix. I wasn't a big gambler to be honest but all the pounds add up in the end. I knew my limit and would never go over it. I won and lost but never had much of a plan: jump racing, flat racing just basically whatever. I think 2-year-old racing put an end to that when I met the other part of the team Jason who gave me the belief that you could actually make a profit if you find the right niche and put the hours in. The excitement of seeing 2yos hit the track is what it's all about for me. 

I think this is my fourth year doing the blog and with Mrs wanting more time with me. Who knows how long it will last but I'm hoping to give it a good go this year. I just want to mention I don't give tips. Any horse I mention is just one I've added to my trackers or one I will be having a bet on. Just getting that in because getting abused for losers is not what I need to be honest. 

The first month or so will be quiet as I try to watch as many replays and look into each 2-year-old and work out if they could be a bet next time out. I'm far from being an expert but I'm pretty sure I can get a few winners along the way. 

I'm hoping to give previews and reviews plus a few eye-catching performances. Last year I bet on too many debut horses so hopefully I can knock that in the head, also a few to many Irish.

The off season is when I get the time to look through all the trainer stats from the previous season and try to find some more angles to make it another profitable season. If you look back through the blog you will see my three-year-olds to follow, I hope I can find a class horse or two. 

It's been another excellent response from all the trainers I've emailed about sending an update on their 2yos for this season and that's another feature that's worth looking back on when making my selections. Not only trainers but I've had a fantastic response from owners too. I'm biased I know but it's great to see the blog doing well and even managed to get quite a few guest posts this year and would like to thank everyone who sat down and took the time to write one. 

The first big race of the year will be the Brocklesby and it's always the race I look forward to seeing, hopefully I can find time to do a preview and look into each horse. As probably many of regular readers know, if I don't get time to write a blog I'm normally around on social media and will give my thoughts if any trackers come through. I'm always willing to chat so give me a shout out. 

A big thanks to all involved in the blog and special thanks to my readers who motivate me to spend the hours I put in with it. 

Let's hope I can win a few quid this year.

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