Monday, 1 November 2021

Do Two-Year-Old (2yo) Debutantes win at Odds-On?

''Without objective testing theories are only guesses however good.'' 

Those words stuck in my brain. 

They were considered years ago when I studied Psychology for an Hons Degree BSc. In fact, I uttered those words in a lesson at Anglia Polytechnic University. 

Now Anglia Cambridge Ruskin University. 

We're talking East Anglia. The driest and flattest part of the United Kingdom. 


My adventure to university was short lived - just over two weeks. After deferring for a year,  time moved too fast. I turned up to academia with little enthusiasm. 

I pretty much decided it was time to leave before I arrived. A halfhearted conversation with a laid back gentleman couldn't convince me to stay. To be honest, I don't think it was a loss on either side. 

It felt good to escape. 

Far from being a disappointment to myself (although perhaps to others) I new exactly what I would do...

I enrolled with The Open University. 

My studying started when I picked up the books and stopped when I put them down. Much more efficient. I saw a lecturer on one solitary day. I went as it was mandatory. It wasn't a bad day.

However, I decided to do it myself. A whole degree without any real interaction beyond the odd email, tutor-marked assignments and annual exam.  


Because I wanted to prove that I didn't need anyone to get a degree. 

After failing miserably at school, qualifications not worth the paper they were written and teachers assessing my academic potential as zero I was pleased, if not proud, to stick two fingers up to those who I left behind. To be fair, I should have been looking back at my old self with similar contempt. 

A good few years later I had done it. 

That's a long introduction to learn something about two-year-old horse racing. To be fair, it may seem off topic. 

Everything is related in ways. 

What does a table and tiger have in common? 

They both have four legs.  

My deviation to education is that so few gamblers educate themselves.

This is a mistake. 

I applaud your behaviour because it keeps me ahead of the game. 

Every Flat turf season, I research lots of information. At times it seems a chore. At the end of each sitting, the data reveals something which makes me appreciate why I took the time to explore. 


If I told you many basic facts about two-year-old horse racing you would be surprised. I have a lot of information that would amaze you. Here's the interesting point, everything I know, you could know too. In fact, you could know more...

It's waiting to be found. 

Scratch the surface, ask the right questions, do your homework, find the answers. 

For instance, how many two-year-olds start odds on for their debut and win?

Think of a number.

Unless you know the facts it's pointless imagining. 

What would that little piece of data tell you? 

Would it affect how you think or how you bet?

Would it make a difference to your profit or loss?

You never realised that one question could lead to so many questions and their respective answers.

Knowledge is power. 

You see, I know the exact number. In truth, whether it is few or many makes little difference. 

But it should make a difference to you. It should hold significance because it is one of a thousand things most gamblers don't know. 

You really should be concerned. 

Separate yourself from the crowd. Think. 

Do Two-Year-Old Debutantes win at Odds-On? 

Now, there's a question. 

Author: Jason Coote

Photo: Pixabay free for commercial use and no attribution but given

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